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Drunk Driving Accidents

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Accidents Caused by DUI and DWI

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, accidents caused by drunk driving accounted for only 4% of traffic accidents statewide in 2012. While drunk driving is one of the least common cause for accidents, DWI accidents are the number-one cause of deaths on Texas roads. One-third of all fatal accidents throughout the state can be attributed to driving while intoxicated by drugs, resulting in thousands of injuries and deaths.

Victims and families harmed by drunk drivers have the right to pursue financial compensation for their damages. To learn more about your rights as a victim and how The Daspit Law Firm may be able to help you, contact us today for a FREE case evaluation.

Why is Drunk Driving So Dangerous?

Driving drunk slows down the responsiveness of a driver. If a collision is imminent, a drunk driver may not be able to react as quickly as a sober driver to avoid the crash. To add to this problem, most drunk driving accidents occur at night, when visibility is decreased. This deadly combination accounts for the fact that more than 80% of drunk driving collisions in Texas occur between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., with the most deaths occurring between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m.

Drunk drivers are not only a danger to themselves, but to others around them as well. If you have been involved in an accident caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you have many challenges ahead of you on the road to a resolution. It is in your best interests to seek the help of an attorney to make sure that you have support every step of the way.

Who is Liable in a Drunk Driving Accident?

It may seem fairly obvious that a person who has caused an accident because they were driving drunk would be responsible for any damage or injury that they caused. However, insurance companies may still attempt to shift the blame away from the driver in order to avoid having to pay more than what is minimally necessary. A personal injury lawyer with experience in the area of DWI accidents can help you with your claim in order to fight for a fair amount of compensation and ensure that insurance companies do not get away with attempts to minimize your claim.

Trusted Representation You Can Count On

We are just as determined as you are to secure compensation you deserve for the damages and injuries that you have suffered as a result of your accident. Don’t suffer for someone else’s wrongdoing – contact the San Antonio personal injury lawyers at The Daspit Law Firm as soon as possible. We are ready to begin working on your case immediately and are available 24/7 to schedule your free case evaluation.

We Take Your Fight As Far As It Needs To Go

All too often, accident victims are steamrolled by insurance companies determined to minimize or deny their claims. Don't let this happen to you. Hire us to fight for the compensation you deserve.

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At The Daspit Law Firm, Our Team of Attorneys Handles the Full Range of Personal Injury Cases, Including Car and Truck Accidents, Industrial Accidents, Construction Accidents, Maritime & Offshore Accidents, and Much More.


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